The Backlot

The Backlot is a weekly newsletter sharing experiences, resources, knowledge, and stories from the world of indie-filmmaking.

As someone who never went to film school, didn’t have a connection at a major studio, and started the journey into film well after my college years, I know it can be tough to get going in this industry. In fact, I am still working to make my mark in film.

That’s why I started this newsletter - because through many conversations, discussions, and projects, I’ve learned that there are a lot of people in this industry looking to build a community and connect with each other. My hope is that by sharing my journey with you, this newsletter can provide a place for others to share their own stories, connect with one another, and grow our community.

As for the name - well, backlots at film studios were places where there were often permanent outdoor sets, office buildings, and places for productions to film their scenes. Nowadays, backlots are pretty uncommon because of the growth of CGI and digital effects. Backlots were also places where the filmmakers would hang out between shoots, connect with other departments, and bask in that cliched movie-making magic. That’s why, for us - the crew - the makers - hanging out at The Backlot is a good way to remind us that community lies at the center of the movie-making process.

So, whether you are a cinephile looking to hear about the inner workings of the filmmaking process or an emerging filmmaker looking for your big break, this newsletter is a way for us to get to know one another, learn from each other stories, and build a career in the beautifully complex world of filmmaking.